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Clinch County Middle School
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We understand that busy parents need answers fast, so we’ve rounded up some information to make your life a little easier. Whether you’re seeking information about the dress code or trying to find homework help for your child, there’s a good chance you’ll find what you’re looking for in the links below.
- Frequently Asked Questions
- Website Links
- AR Book Titles
- School System Financial Information (HB 139)
Can I call my child during school hours?
To avoid disrupting the learning environment in our classrooms, we ask that, whenever possible, you make after-school arrangements with your children before they leave home. If you do need to get in touch with your child, we’ll take down a message and deliver it before school ends for the day (however, we will not deliver messages from someone other than a parent). Your child’s teacher will be responsible for determining whether or not the students in his or her classroom can use the phone. If a teacher decides to let a student use the phone, he or she will give the student a written note granting permission.
When can I expect to see a report card for my child?
We will send report cards home every nine weeks. When your child brings his or her report card home, please sign it, and send it back to school with your child the following day.
Is my child allowed to bring toys or other non-school related objects to school?
Toys, games, baseball cards, magazines, and other distracting items tend to interfere with instruction. Because of this, we ask that your students leave these things at home. If a teacher would like a student to bring a specific item for a specific occasion, he or she will notify you in writing.
What is the dress code for Clinch County Middle?
In general, we expect our students to keep themselves neatly groomed and dressed. A good rule of thumb to follow is this: If you’re not sure whether an article of clothing is appropriate for school, it’s probably best to save it for the weekend. You can read the student handbook to get the full details of our official dress code, but here is a quick list of items we do not allow our students to wear:
- Flip-flops
- Sagging pants
- Shorts, skirts, and dresses worn more than four inches above the kneecap (or that have slits, vents, or holes higher than four inches above the kneecap)
- Shirts that expose midriffs or that are low-cut, strapless, see-through, or excessively tight
- Shirts with spaghetti straps (sleeveless shirts must be at least two inches wide on the shoulders)
- Any garment that is immodest or revealing
- Suggestive jewelry
- Clothing with drawings, patches, and/or writing relating to drugs, sex, alcohol, Satanism, tobacco, gangs, illegal activities, weapons, violence, or a violent lifestyle
- Caps or hats
- Sunglasses
- Body piercing other than on ears
If a student violates the dress code, we’ll contact a parent and require the student to change clothes. If the student isn’t able to make arrangements to change into appropriate clothing, we will place him or her in In-School-Suspension (ISS) for the rest of the day?
What are the general bus procedures?
Drivers will not wait on students, so we expect students to be at their designated stop at the correct time, regardless of the weather conditions. We also expect students to learn and follow all bus rules and to cooperate with and listen to the bus driver or substitute bus driver. Riding the school bus is a privilege, and if a student acts improperly or breaks the rules, he or she may lose that privilege.
Students will not unload from their buses at Clinch County Elementary until 7:35 a.m. At the end of the school day, students will load the buses after being dismissed at 2:50 p.m.
What if I need to change the way my child is getting home in the afternoon?
If you need to change the transportation information for your child, please call the school before 2 p.m. to leave a detailed message with the receptionist about the change. The school receptionist will then write a note for your child, so the teacher is made aware of the change. If the student will be riding a different bus home, you must have the address information when you call the school. The school will not take any messages after 2 p.m.
Where should I go to pick up my child from school?
We dismiss non-bussing students out the doors at the front of the building. If you are picking up your student, please keep in mind the following:
- The bus area is reserved for buses while loading and unloading. Please do not drive or park in the bus area before or after school.
- We do not allow students to walk to parked cars in the afternoon, so you must come to the grade lines to pick up your child after school.
What if my child needs medication during school hours?
If your child needs to take prescription medicine during school hours, please send the medication in its original prescription container along with a note to the school stating the time at which we should administer the medication. We will not give your child any internal medicines, such as Pepto-Bismol or Tylenol, without your prior approval. (We send home an authorization form that addresses this issue at the beginning of each year.)
What if my child becomes ill at school?
If your child becomes ill, we will care for him or her in the designated clinic area and will administer simple first-aid procedures when needed. You’ll need to pick up your child right away if his or her temperature rises to 100 degrees or higher (we’ll let you know if it does). In the event of an emergency, we’ll handle the situation appropriately and notify you promptly.
How can I get involved?
We’re so glad you asked! We welcome and encourage parents to volunteer, whether during school hours or at after-school and evening functions. Watch for flyers in your child’s backpack, which we will send home occasionally to alert you to upcoming events and to request volunteers. You can also contact Lori Register, our parent involvement coordinator, for details about our school’s current volunteer needs.
Check out the Title I documents below:Here are a few other parent-involvement tips that will help to make your child’s educational experience positive and rewarding:
- Attend parent-teacher conferences and communicate often with your child’s teacher.
- Limit television-viewing time and establish regular work/study times.
- Listen to your child. Encourage your child to read, discuss, and tell stories.
- Play educational games with your child.
- Read to and with your child each day.
- Become familiar with school procedures.
- Let the teacher know if your child is to go to a different address in the afternoon.
- Check in at the office first before visiting anywhere in the school.
- Return papers (medical authorization, pupil information, insurance forms, progress reports, notes, etc.) to the school promptly.