- Clinch County School System
- 2024-2025
October 21, 2024
Dear Parents,
This week is National Safe Schools Week. We are very fortunate in Clinch County to have close relationships and strong lines of communication with both our sheriff’s office and police department. Throughout the year, we also have trainings and meetings with GEMA. In weather situations, we are in frequent contact with our local EMA. We appreciate the support all of these agencies provide our school system.
We have had a few incidents this year when students have made various levels of comments that others may perceive as threatening. This could be anything from a young elementary aged child making a comment on the playground to an older student making an off-handed comment not directed at anyone in particular. Words matter and no threat is ignored. Making threats can lead to EXPULSION, referral to LAW ENFORCEMENT, ALTERNATIVE SCHOOL, LONG TERM SUSPENSIONS, etc.
Students, just like adults, are held accountable when they say something that causes others to be afraid at school or unsafe at school. This can be through verbal exchanges, texts, or social media posts. Serious consequences can result for a student who substantially disrupts a learning environment for other children through threatening remarks or comments. It does not matter the age of the student, all threats will be investigated and can result in serious consequences.
Later this week, all of our school based faculty and staff will receive training on Centegix, an emergency notification system, which gives every staff member the ability to initiate a school-level staff alert or a campus wide emergency lockdown with the press of a button. As we announced last month, we had a campus wide lock down drill. We will have other drills throughout the year. However, I want to stress that not all drills will be announced, simply due to safety and security reasons. Likewise, we have different levels of lockdown, with level 1 being normal every day procedures with a few added precautions.
There are many reasons why the school may be in lockdown. We have had lockdowns in the past when we have had drug dog searches, when law enforcement have had incidents unrelated to the school but near campus, when students have had medical emergencies, when certain discipline incidents are being investigated, etc. Not every lockdown results in a public announcement.
We understand that receiving information related to school safety can be stressful. We know that you may hear from your child or social media about an incident before a notification is sent by the school. Please be aware that during a school emergency, some information posted on social media and other outlets may not be accurate. Our first priority will always be keeping students and staff safe while managing whatever the situation may be. We will do our best to provide clear and timely updates in emergency situations.
While we do use social media as one form of communication, it may not always be the best method of communication. Please make sure your contact information is updated in PowerSchool so you receive phone calls and text messages.
Please encourage students to tell you or an adult at school if they hear that something is unsafe. If they see or hear anything that can make the school safer, encourage them to tell an adult at school. Many incredible solutions for school safety come from the people who are at school every day - the students and staff.
Thank you for your support of our school system and in helping us create a positive and safe school. Please feel free to contact me anytime with concerns or questions.
Lori James